The Top 10 Little-Known Women in Political History You Should Know

Women In Politics

The top 10 women in politics you should know who are less known in political history

Women in politics from many eras and circumstances have struggled for their rights and role in society and have made a record-breaking contribution of ability and knowledge, particularly in the study of political history. These female leaders, by shattering the social and cultural barriers of their time, changed the course of history and were able to ascend to positions of governmental authority.

Even though they were on the back pages of world history, these amazing women leaders stories that affected political history have been kept by humanity.

1. Empress Theodora

Due to her intelligence and political savvyness, Empress Theodora served as Emperor Justinian I’s most trusted advisor and was also his wife. She is regarded as the most significant female political figure in Byzantine history. Procopius’ Secret History, which was written in 548, tells her story. Empress Theodora was a devout Christian and a feminist by nature. The Christian Church declared her a saint.

2. Olga of Kiev

Around the year 900, in what is now Russia, the city of Pskov, Olga of Kiev was born. The noble line of Izborsks, the first Vikings to settle in the realm and of Scandinavian ancestry, is thought to have produced Olga of Kiev. The Drevlians, a nearby tribe that had murdered her husband, were cruelly retaliated against by Queen Olga of Kiev, who burned down their homes, slaughtered a large number of them, and kidnapped thousands.

3. King Tamar

King Tamar, commonly known as Tamar the Great, ruled Georgia, a nation tucked between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, from 1184 to 1213. The Georgian Golden Age peaked throughout her reign. The first woman to lead Georgia as its king was King Tamar. Tamar’s rule extended across the entire Caucasus, from the Greater Caucasus to Erzurum and from the Zygii to regions near Ganja, Azerbaijan. She brought about a golden age for Georgian culture as well as expanded the Georgian realm.

4. King Jadwiga

From 1383 through 1399, Poland’s King Jadwiga served as the continent’s patroness and was given the name Saint Jadwiga by the Roman Catholic Church. At the age of 11, Jadwiga succeeded her father as king of Poland. As per Polish law, the monarch must be a King in order to rule the nation, she was given the title of King rather than Queen. In 1386, King Jadwiga wed Wadysaw II Jagiello of Lithuania, and the two went on to rule the nation together.

5. Hurrem Sultan

Hurrem Sultan, a pioneer in gender politics who had remarkable authority for a woman of her day, revolutionised the Ottoman government. The Ottoman dynasty saw an expansion in women’s rights and authority starting with Hurrem Sultan’s political career since it became possible for women to become the Sultan’s concubine, wife, and Queen mother. It is also known as the “Sultanate of Women” from this time until 1715.

6. Aung San Suu Kyi

She has spent a total of 15 years under house imprisonment, yet during that time, she has made political decisions that have changed Burma into what it is today. She recently prevailed in an election to fill the position of state counsellor in Myanmar, which is comparable to that of prime minister, but it was a long and difficult fight.

7. Amani Al-Khatahtbeh

Amani Al-Khatahtbeh established MuslimGirl, an online publication by and for Muslim women, in 2009. She was included in Forbe’s 30 Under 30 list as a result of her online work, and her contentious pieces have been included in The Huffington Post, Fortune, and Teen Vogue. She makes advantage of these venues to discuss the challenges Muslim women face on a daily basis in a frank and open manner.

8. Mary McLeod Bethune

In Florida, Bethune founded a private school for African-American children in the early 1900s. This aided her in obtaining a position as a member of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Black Cabinet.” Later in life, she was elected president of the National Association of Colored Women, defeating Ida B. Wells in the process. During her tenure, she tirelessly worked to address the problems that African-American women faced.

9. Gertrude Bell

After the Ottoman Empire fell, Bell, a writer, cartographer, archaeologist, and adventurer, contributed to the creation of Jordan and Iraq as they are known today. She was cited as a vital asset by both the British administration and the Arab leaders because of her depth of knowledge and experience.

10. Andrée de Jongh

Dédée, who was only 24 years old, completed 24 missions, saving 118 of the approximately 700 soldiers. When she was finally apprehended, she told the Nazis straight out about her involvement with the resistance, but due to her youth, they didn’t believe her and sent her to a concentration camp.

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Rahul Tanikanti