Here are 10 Indian women leaders who worked hard to bring certain changes and improve the development of the companies. Nirmala Sitharaman Nirmala Sitharaman, India’s...
Author - Rahul Tanikanti
How Women Leaders Are Transforming the Data Science Industry
Here are Women Leaders who are Transforming the Data Science Industry Women leaders are making great strides in changing the data science profession in several ways:...
Here are India’s Top Women AI Leaders of 2024. Niki Parmar Niki Parmar, co-author of the influential documentary “Attention Is All You Need,” played a...
Here are Why Corporate Sector Sees Limited Growth in Female Leadership. The relative progress of women leaders in corporations can be attributed to several interacting...
Here are Women in Politics: 10 Strong Faces for Lok Sabha Elections. History has witnessed the mastery of women in politics, again and again. From Marie Antoinette to...
Here’s STEM vs Education: The Complex Dynamics of Gender Distribution. Educational attainment and gender distribution in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and...
Jessica Christenson is the Vice President of Sales and Marketing for NovaFori. The firm NovaFori is an enterprise software provider headquartered in London, specializing...
Here are Best Social Platforms for Women Advancing Their Careers. There are many different social platforms that can be useful for women advancing in their careers...
Here are Women in Business: Seattle’s Top Female Leaders Making Waves. Seattle has a vibrant business scene, and its female leaders are making great strides in a...
Here’s Empowering India: The Urgent Need for More Women Leaders Empowering India by encouraging more women leaders is not only an issue of equality but also...