How Can We Get Women in Tech on the Top?


Need more women in tech. Tech companies should work on gender diversity!

In executive teams, gender diversity is positively correlated with financial outperformance, according to a new McKinsey analysis, and this correlation is growing over time. Nevertheless, there are still too few women in tech leadership positions and in the field as a whole. More women than ever are obtaining STEM degrees, which is encouraging, but there are several injustices in the field.  For instance, women employees now make up 47% of the workforce in the United States as a whole, but only 34.4% of employees are in the top five tech companies. However, at smaller IT companies, we are starting to notice improvements.

Women are four times as likely as males to believe that gender bias prevents them from getting promoted. Conscious bias exists. Recognizing gender bias is the first step in tackling the issue in the computer industry, where “bro culture” has taken over the landscape. Businesses must critically examine their own assumptions and develop strategies to disprove them.

Inform tech decision-makers of the advantages of a diverse workforce. In addition to numerous other advantages, businesses with more women in leadership roles are more profitable, more socially responsible, and offer safer better customer experiences. It is the duty of leaders from all backgrounds to become knowledgeable about the real advantages of employing a diverse workforce. They need to read up on the subject, conduct research, and collaborate with other groups working to advance diversity.

In the tech industry, 72% of women worked for organizations with strong bro cultures. But guys don’t have to be a part of the issue; they can help find a solution. Building a culture that respects women and encourages their professional development is made significantly easier by the presence of male allies. It also serves as a reminder that diversity in computing affects everyone, not just women and people of colour. I’ve personally witnessed how this may affect the workplace culture, even with straightforward, insignificant acts.

According to a survey by Olivet Nazarene University, slightly more than half of business professionals claim to have had a mentor. However, just 69% of women who responded indicated they had a female mentor, compared to 82% of males who said they had a male mentor.

We are aware that mentoring has a significant impact on both mentors’ and mentees’ professional development. In fact, compared to previous diversity initiatives, mentorship programmes considerably increased the promotion and retention rates for women and minorities, according to research from Cornell University’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations. It’s crucial to offer sponsorship and mentorship options for women at all levels in order to get more women into the IT industry and advance them to the executive level.

More women must be aware of these options if we are to see an increase in their presence in tech leadership roles. Early career and educational informationalization are necessary to achieve this. They will be prepared to succeed in STEM fields and will develop an interest in technology at a young age by doing this.

Any person must develop new abilities and hone current ones before moving up into a leadership role. However, many people aren’t given opportunities, especially those who have encountered challenges and are underrepresented in their industry.

Employers and allies may help with that. Employers can give incentives for female employees to upgrade their skills through tuition reimbursement and internal training, and external allies can collaborate with companies on projects to offer essential learning opportunities.

Our mutual role is to encourage leadership in technology. Employers don’t have to be the only ones to support staff, offer opportunities for skill development, and promote mentoring within their companies. And it’s not just the male allies who give voice to the voices of marginalized and underrepresented groups, who are all too frequently ignored.

Neither are teachers, who ought to encourage young girls to explore STEM fields from an early age. In order to transform the culture from the inside out, we must all work together.

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Rahul Tanikanti