Women Leaders who are going to be a ‘Big Deal’ in the Future

Women leaders

Women Leaders and emerging women leaders who are going to be a ‘Big Deal’ in the future

Today’s women leaders are strong-willed and diversified. The women at work are promoting social protections while energising the global climate movement. However, progress on women’s participation in decision-making is too gradual, and equality is still a long way off. There are still too many people who think men are more naturally good leaders than women. Here are few emerging women leaders.


Kynnedy Simone Smith

Kynnedy established the Creative Justice Fellowship, a component of her broader I Art Cleveland Program, which enables young artists to use their chosen artistic medium to demonstrate how social injustices have impacted their life and paves way for women leaders. She is a Columbia University computer science major who aims to integrate her three interests—STEM, music, and activism—in order to give back to her community and work toward her ambition of founding a software firm that empowers and improves the lives of minorities.


Alondra Fraustro

Young scientist and businesswoman Alondra Fraustro is from Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico. She established Ciencia Mágica, where she disseminates scientific information by offering conference courses and workshops to enlighten people and encourage environmental stewardship. The United Nations Organization to Combat Desertification and Drought has named the tech woman a Hero of the Earth for 2020 in South Korea.


Kelly Danielpour

Kelly, who founded VaxTeen, is a member of Stanford University’s undergraduate class of 2025. She is definitely on the watch out for one of the best women leader in the near future. She founded VaxTeen in the hopes of offering a trustworthy and clear source to address their inquiries after learning about the growing trend of teenagers turning to Reddit to determine whether they could consent to vaccinations in their states and what vaccines they required at their age.

She aspires to work in health policy one day, emphasising the importance of establishing universal, comprehensive preventative care because, in her opinion, it is essential to lowering healthcare inequities.


Autumn Peltier

Autumn Peltier is an Anishinaabe from the Wiikwemkoong First Nation in Ontario, Canada, who fights for the rights of Indigenous people. She was appointed the Aniishnabek Nation’s youngest Chief Water Commissioner in 2019. She spoke to world leaders about water protection in 2018 at the UN General Assembly when she was just 13 years old as part of World Water Day. The woman at work is still fighting for Indigenous communities and Indigenous people worldwide to have access to safe water.


Mahryan Sampaio Rodrigues

Young Brazilian Mahryan Sampaio studies international relations at the Centro Universitário Belas Artes de So Paulo (FEBASP) and conducts human rights research. She campaigns for equality in terms of race, gender, and the environment. Her studies in the fields of gender, sexuality, and social movements were completed at the University of So Paulo (USP).

The women leader serves on the board of directors of the non-governmental organisation I Know My Rights (IKMR), which is associated with UNHCR (the UN Agency for Refugees). Through projects in education, art, and culture, IKMR works to improve the lives of children living as refugees in Brazil.


Kehkashan Basu

Kehkashan Basu, the 2016 recipient of the International Children’s Peace Prize, was born in 2000 and has made a significant contribution to society through her work on issues such as children’s rights, peace and disarmament, climate justice, gender equality, and social upliftment. She has been passionate in sharing the message of sustainability, happiness, and peace since she was just 8 years old. She has put in a lot of effort to recruit youth and children from all over the world.


Aimee Yan

In the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, sophomore another emerging women leader, Aimee Yan is pursuing a degree in public policy, business, and social and economic justice. She is an ardent supporter of social justice, educational equity, and the Asian American community. Aimee founded Project Pantry as a HERlead Fellow and gave 1,000 professional clothing items to homeless families. She also established a private food pantry for 400 low-income students and raised more than $4,000 for homeless students in Colorado.

The tech-woman became a board member of Youth Roots Board of Directors because she was passionate about education, and she also worked as a research assistant to examine how the COVID-19 pandemic affected first-generation college students.

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