Jessica Christenson is the Vice President of Sales and Marketing for NovaFori. The firm NovaFori is an enterprise software provider headquartered in London, specializing...
Category - Leadership
Celebrating female leaders: Maroc Magazine hosted the sixth edition of “Les Matinees de l’Industrie” Celebrating Female Leadership: In a testament to the...
10 tech companies that are leading the charge in promoting women empowerment In recent years, the tech industry has made significant strides towards promoting gender...
Strategies for women leaders to empower their presence in the boardroom Gender equality remains a constant struggle in today’s businesses, especially in leadership...
Empowering women’s leadership in executive leadership amplification Increasing the number of women in executive leadership roles is a critical goal in the effort...
Here’s why women leaders excel in the leadership environment Among the many moving parts of the leadership environment, authenticity is one that is essential to success...