There are an increasing number of women in the robotics industry, there is nothing like equal representation The women in the robotics industry are at the forefront of...
Category - Data Science and Robotics
The modeling industry used perfect lean body parts so robots may replace runway ramp models someday Fashion and modeling are not just for paper lessons. Today, modeling...
Is the Post-Human a Post-Woman? Cyborgs, Robotics, AI, and the Future of Gender
Cyborgs, robotics, AI, and the future of gender, the fact that it does have a body with which it can interact with the world In “Is the post-human a post-woman” defines...
Robots could lower the gender pay gaps in some industries because they are taking away jobs mostly done by men The introduction of robots into the workforce has...
Reality of Women in AI and data Science Sectors
Recording data about the AI workforce assuming that men and women are represented equally is bad practice Woman in AI and data science, in general, might have suspected...
Companies have repeatedly launched artificial intelligence (AI) products with female voices and bodies According to the reason for the female robots are seen as being...