Why do many mothers in medicine feel that the careers of women in medicine are unfulfilling? About 100 women in medicine from India of all specialties participated in...
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The top 10 women in big data analytics who have been an inspiration for many young female data scientist Women in big data analytics are expanding quickly, particularly...
The fathers of daughters play an important role in the development of women’s leadership Fathers of daughters do have a big impact on their daughter’s feelings of...
Boost your career as a woman in data science: Tips to Boost your career in Data Science for women Data science is one of the fastest-growing career fields due to the...
At work, women are frequently urged to exhibit “women’s confidence” which is discrimination against women Women’s confidence is frequently urged to exude as a means of...
Black women are more ambitious than other women of the same rank. Top executives are more frequently desired by black women leaders Compared to other women of the same...