Web3 could advance the possibility of an inclusive internet! Web3 could advance the possibility of an inclusive internet, where age and gender don’t become an...
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Student privacy and autonomy violation in entrance exam: know more On Monday this week, students showing up for the National Eligibility-Entrance Test (NEET) close to...
Girls are More Suitable to Study Humanities? Meet these Women Scientists Busting Such Myths
Girls and humanities: The myths and growing facts The development of knowledge is firmly connected with gender. This came as disclosure to me in the 10th grade when we...
Women’s representation in web3: metaverse summit 2022 Metaverse Summit is a global show that observes Metaverse innovation and imagination. The Metaverse Summit unites...
Working Women Do Not Have the Traits Needed to be a Wife- This is What Indian Daily Soaps Represent!
Myths about working women from the Indian daily soaps: know more Throughout the long term, female characters in famous soaps on Indian TV have been depicted severely; as...
On this Nelson Mandela International Day, Look at the Legend’s Work to End the Global Oppression of Women
Nelson Mandela and his fight to end the global oppression of women As Nelson Mandela concentrated in graduate schools and fought in the city of Johannesburg, composed...