Here are some tips for all the entrepreneurs to recruit more females in your business Numerous leaders care about gender diversity they say they do. 78% of ability...
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Where do Women-Created Programming Languages Stand in the Patriarchal Society?
Women in the programming industry and their position in the male-dominated society The programming industry has a standing of being a male-dominated world...
How Women in Tech Business Can Reduce AI Biases
AI biases in tech business: How women in tech business can reduce AI biases With the technology available to us today, we are confiding in PCs to accomplish an ever...
Businesswomen: how are they better managers and leaders in the workspace Previously, women were consigned to the foundation in important decisions. All things...
Women have played an important role in shaping the film industry with their innovations The European Commission is leading drives to support women-led innovation...
Women are playing an important role in shaping the applications of blockchain and the future of cryptocurrencies The 21st century has been a rollercoaster ride for...