The female founded fashion-tech startups trend is suddenly grabbing a lot of attention The female founded fashion-tech start-ups interact in completely new ways or...
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The women in VR are changing the technology inception of virtual reality (VR), there has been much deliberation over it There’s no longer any doubt that virtual reality...
Increased productivity and manufacturing well as running enterprises by AI restyling women’s fashion industry The power of AI to develop creative products and...
The modeling industry used perfect lean body parts so robots may replace runway ramp models someday Fashion and modeling are not just for paper lessons. Today, modeling...
Is the Post-Human a Post-Woman? Cyborgs, Robotics, AI, and the Future of Gender
Cyborgs, robotics, AI, and the future of gender, the fact that it does have a body with which it can interact with the world In “Is the post-human a post-woman” defines...
How are Women Entrepreneurs Leaving a Mark in Media and Entertainment Industry?
Women entrepreneurs leaving a mark in the media and entertainment industry becoming the next revolutionary movement India is a diversified country with rich culture...